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Thursday, January 24, 2013

Decisions, Decisions

 There are days where a parent's head can just spin. There are so many things to decide. Where do I learn about my child's diagnosis?  How do I pursue his education?  What doctors do we see? Whose advice do I follow when professionals and other parents give conflicting information?  Do we keep the diagnosis to ourselves or tell the whole world?  How do I tell my child about the diagnosis and when?   How do I explain everything to my other children? These are just a few of the decisions that parents need to consider.

It is so important that both parents are on the same page.  If there is a big divide between them on what to do for a child, slow down.  Take time to work through these things so each parent is supportive and is "all in."  It will save a lot of stress and conflict later on. 

Once there is consensus, move forward helping your child.