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Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Yes, Lord, I Put My Trust In You

 I chose Psalm 143:8 as our scripture for today.  Let the morning bring word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul.

Around the time of my son's diagnosis, the days became very long. There was the battle to get ready for school. We had to get to school and one of my jobs was to say enough goodbyes to him so that he would stay in the classroom and not run after me when I left.  This was usually 20 minutes after we had arrived. Then I had to go home and try to keep the tears from coming. One way I held it together was by gathering all my bible study books, devotionals, journal and Bible and sit down on my bed and start through them.

I worked on my Bible Study lesson and read a devotion.  I wrote scripture in my journal and prayed.   Psalm 43:8 was a verse I prayed.  I was overwhelmed and it was only 9:30 in the morning. It was a time where I told the Lord, I choose to put my trust in you. These weren't words that I said because they appeared in my devotions. They reflected my desire to say, "Yes, Lord, I put my trust in you."

When I took this step, God showed me which way to go. He directed our family to such great professionals, resources, teachers, administrators and friends. I want to always continue lifting up my soul to God. He showed himself faithful and taught me again that he desires a step of obedience before He shows us blessing. I never want to forget this powerful time with Him.