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Thursday, February 7, 2013

Where Do I Start

If you are saying, I don't even know where to start? Start right where you are. When we are sure we don't know what to do, that's when God has us in a pliable position. What do I mean by that? We don't think we know it all? We are not fighting against God? He can just begin his work in our family. He doesn't have to do a work in us first, to make us willing to follow him. We follow him because we don't know what to do and we He does! 

1.     Seek God and pray that He will lead you and meet your daily need for strength and wisdom.

2.     Work with your spouse and agree (it may take more than 1 conversation) on the steps you will take. If the two of you are not in agreement, don't move on. This takes everyone's commitment to a course of action if progress is going to be made.

3.     Pursue 1 or 2 interventions at a time. This will help you determine if one is helping. If you pursue too many things at once, it will be hard to determine this.

4.     Learn a few parenting strategies and ways to structure your home for a learning different child. I'll cover a lot of these in the coming weeks. It is amazing what a little structure and certain behavioral strategies will do. Often, it can take your home from chaotic to reasonably calm in a few weeks.

God has entrusted you with a big job but He has and He will equip you for this task.