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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Master Gardner

“I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener.”  John 15:1

As I write, I am on pilgrimage to Israel.  It’s not a vacation. It’s more like a fast paced study tour where I’m discovering my roots.  It’s the place that my Heavenly Father chose to begin unfolding His Plan for all of creation.  I’m going back to the place where God made provision so I could become a member of His forever family.  He made a way so I could be grafted into the true vine, Jesus. 

God, the Father, is the gardener.  He is the master designer of what everything should look like.  He prepares the soil, we provides the conditions for growth and He gave His Son as the means of our salvation. 

My prayer today is “Lord, help me never forget I must depend on you as the one who prepares, sustains and blesses.  Help me to realize each day that Jesus is the gift that you gave so I could be grafted into your forever family.”