This is not the case with the children of some my friends. One mom recently informed me she had two children with PKU and they have to drink a special formula that isn’t covered by insurance. Another friend has a child with a life threatening peanut allergy as well as allergies to many other common ingredients including soy. They have spent many nights this year in the emergency room. It is fear producing for families with these issues to put a child in a classroom at church once of week with various volunteers that don’t understand how criticle it is to be diligent managing these. I have several friends who have a child who has seizures on a regular basis. It is hard enough to manage these things at home but these families have to advocate for their children at school and all other environments.
Think about birthday parties, trick or treating, Valentine’s Day, sleepovers and the list goes on and on. There are very few restaurants that these families can eat because of certain allergens. The stress this puts on families is enormous. Encourage others to be sensitive to these families if you know someone who deals with these kinds of issues. Support them in any way you can. They will be so appreciative.