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Thursday, August 21, 2014

Simplify the Bedtime Routine


Let's look at the things we can do in the evening to help make the morning go smoother

  • If possible, take baths and showers in the evening. (I know this won't work for older children who blow dry hair every morning,)
  • Backpacks can be packed and put together near the door.
  • Lunches packed before going to bed and placed together for the morning.
  • All coats, shoes. Boots, hats and gloves be checked before bed so there is no difficulty finding them in the morning.
  • Water bottles are filled and placed in fridge.
  • Clothes are chosen and layed out for the morning before bedtime.


Bedtime Routines

  • Brush teeth, wash face. Put on pajamas
  • Get in bed, prayers, and time to read or have a parent read if child is a non reader
  • Lights out and NO Getting Up. Time to go to sleep.


  • Run dishwasher after dinner and unload it before bed time.
  • Make sure your clothes are ready
  • Get breakfast non perishables out so breakfast items are ready for the morning.
  • Make sure anything that is needed for work, volunteering at school. Shopping or bible study are packed and set by the door so mom is as organized as the the kids.
  • Go to bed or have a nice talk with your husband since the house is nice and quiet.
It will take some work to tweak these ideas to fit your family but hopefully they will help make evenings a little simpler at your home.