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Thursday, August 14, 2014

Simplify the Morning Routine


The way I have found to simplify mornings is do as many things as possible the night before. Here are a few ideas.

  • If possible, take baths and showers in the evening. (I know this won't work for older children who blow dry hair every morning,)
  • Backpacks can be packed and put together near the door.
  • Lunches packed before going to bed and placed together for the morning.
  • All coats, shoes. Boots, hats and gloves be checked before bed so there is no difficulty finding them in the morning.
  • Water bottles are filled and placed in fridge.
  • Clothes are chosen and layed out for the morning before bedtime.
  • Get up and keep everyone on a pre determined bathroom schedule.
  • Have a simple breakfast. This could include a breakfast station for everyone to do his/her own or mom could have it ready for everyone when they come to the kitchen.
  • Everyone grabs lunch and waterbottles and packs them away.
  • The kids put on any outerwear needed. Thankfully mittens and hats won't be necessary for a few months!
  • Everyone takes his/her backpack and is off for the day!


It took several years to tweak this routine for a calm morning (at least most of the time). Hopefully this will help get you started thinking about ways to keep your mornings peaceful and productive.