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Thursday, September 11, 2014

Parent as Therapist: Preparing Mentally

Taking on the mother as therapist role takes some mental preparation. Life is not going to be the same. There are some things to think through. Your head may be spinning with all the things that must be done. Where do you start. Well I'm going tell you after 20 years with my son and 12 years after his diagnosis, there are some very important things that come before all the doctor and therapy appointments you will undoubtedly be going to. First things first.

  1. Take time to grieve. This is the best advice I can give. I cried for 3 months after my son's diagnosis. Looking back it was the best thing I could of done. There are losses. Losses need to be grieved. If you don't grieve, it will catch up with you and it won't be pretty.
  2. During this time, pour your heart out to The Lord. Seek His face. Read the Word. Cling to verses. This can be a real time of going to a place with The Lord that you have never been. It will be hard but it will be worth it.
  3. Your husband may process this new world very differently than you do. Allow him to do it his own way. That will be one of the greatest gifts you can give him. Mentally prepare yourself for the fact that your Prince Charming is not going to meet your every emotional need during this time. If you prepare yourself for this, you will be happier, he will be happier and your marriage will be happier.
  4. You need your girlfriends right now. Let me warn you, not all of your good friends will "be there "for you. It will surprise you who comes along to meet your emotional needs, I found that some women I thought would support me did it and some I would of never dreamed would be there, were my new best friends.
  5. Don't isolate yourself from others. It is tempting at times but don't do it. You need to stay connected!

Take time to prepare yourself mentally for your new reality. This is so important. Your child and your whole family need a mentally healthy you!