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Thursday, September 18, 2014

Parent as Therapist-Preparing Emotionally

The role of Parent as Therapist takes emotional preparation. This role takes real emotional stamina. Stamina is something that doesn't just happen, it is built up over time. It doesn't last forever. Breaks are needed to gather what is needed to keep running the race. It is not a "one and done" type of thing. All people need to have their emotional tank refilled from time to time. This is vital especially as you take on the role of parent as therapist.

But how? Here are a few possibilities.

Get some breaks. One of the greatest things my husband has done for me is to take my son on a yearly trip. This was one week a year that I didn't have responsibility for anything with my son. It is a tremendous break from the day to day role that I've had for years with my son.

Find some activities that help you to relax. It might be exercise, cooking, crafts, gardening or something entirely different. I love to travel. As I write this, I'm on a little weekend trip with my husband. I love long walks. I don't know how I would of made it for this many years without long walks by myself, with girlfriends and my husband. As time has gone on, alone time has become more precious. It fills me up to tackle life.

Some things that help me emotionally are to read a book that addresses the needs of my heart. I remember reading the book, The Worn Out Woman many years ago. It addressed the needs of my heart and reached deep into intermost parts of my emotions. I have read many books through the years that have met me right here. I have been in at least one bible study every year. The word of God refreshes and fills an empty spirit like nothing else. It is amazing what the combination of the study of the Word of God, the teaching of a leader and the fellowship and insights of other women do for me.

I find that journaling, investing in others, and my family, friends and church also give me what I need to emotionally keep going. Once in a while, I find it a good thing to just take a day off and just not do anything productive once in a while. I just need to allow myself to take a break from regular life as parent as therapist.

Just remember, your emotional tank needs regular filling. It gets depleted in the role of parent as therapist. Make sure you replenish your emotional tank!