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Sunday, January 18, 2015

Help with IEP's: The Acronyms and Terms

Today we will begin looking at terminology associated with special education that may be heard or seen at an IEP meeting. Here are some of the basic terms associated with behavior assessment and interventions.

BIP is the Behavior Intervention Plan for a student where behavior issues are a concern. It is presented by a social worker or psychologist at the meeting.

FBA is a Functional Behavior Assessment is the observations and assessments done of a student's behaviors that helps the social worker/psychologist determine what should be included in the BIP

ABC is a observation strategy used in the FBA.

  • A represents Antecedent. This is what happens right before the observed behavior.
  • B represents Behavior. This is the behavior itself.
  • C represents Consequence. This is what happens immediately after the behavior.
PBS is Positive Behavioral Supports. This is an approach to change a behavior by teaching new skills to replace the behavior.

Function of a behavior. This is what the person conducting the FBA sees as why the behavior is sustained. Some common functions of behavior listed in a FBA are avoidance, escape, attention or sensory.

ABA is Applied Behavioral Analysis this is the scientific study of behavior. The FBA and BIP is based on evaluation and interventions coming from an ABA context.

Replacement Behavior is the desired behavior that is taught to an individual to replace the unwanted behavior.

Please leave a comment if you have questions about other behavior terms you would like covered in this series. Next week we will look at more IEP related terminology.