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Monday, January 12, 2015

What? The Lingo In IEP Meetings


Have you Ever been to a meeting with special educators and and you are told that you are a vital member of the team but you don't understand anything that's being said. Well just like reading comprehension must be taught to a child, IEP comprehension has similar elements that need to been understood before a parent knows what just happened in a meeting.

In this series, we will look at the areas a parent must understand before she/he can be a collaborative member of the IEP team. Here are some of areas that will be covered.

  • Special Education Vocabulary and Accronyms
  • Behavior Vocabulary and Accronyms used in Behavior Intervention Plans
  • Data Collected and how it is Communicated (progress monitoring). Graphs and more graphs.
  • Understanding the Language IEP Goals
  • Understanding Background Information (similar to understanding the setting, characters and context)
  • Interpreting the Information and Making Inferences from Verbal, Written and Non-Verbal Communication
Come join this IEP Comprehension journey. It may help you become a better advocate for your child!