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Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Parenting The GOOD


I found this cute rubber stamp above at I think it might be a good idea to get one and use it at least 10 times a day to help me look for some good things.

So often I spend time working toward the Good. Often, my focus is to figure out ways to get rid of the bad and the ugly. My experience will be different than anyone else but I want to take a moment today to reflect on the good.

There are different kinds of good.

Good because your child is a creation of God. In the book of Genesis, we are told that God said his creation of man and woman was very good. Other parts of creation, God said were good. Only with humans, He said it was very good. No matter the challenges, God has made your child. He tells us that each person made in his image, including a person with disabilities, is very good.

Good because of all the wonderful moments you have with your child. Even with all the challenges, there are moments of connection. Those moments are good. If the challenges are very great, those moments are very good!

Good because you have figured out some better ways to parent your child. He is not as frustrated with life because you and others understand him more. This enables you to have more everyday type pleasant moments with her.

Good because there has been a big breakthrough or great accomplishment that may of taken days, weeks, years or even decades.these are those very, very, very good moments that are rare but always welcomed. This happened at our house this week. We were informed that our son had been elected to a honor society for students at two year colleges. As with most of you, honors have not been a part of my son's life. I was use to them with my daughters but not my son. It was a time to forget about all the things he still needs to accomplish. At least, for a day. It was a time to look back and rejoice at all the good things God has done.

We'll take the weekend off. Monday, we start working on the next steps. But not yet!

Take some time and focus on the GOOD!