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Monday, September 14, 2015

Strategies for Cognitive Inflexible Children

There are lots of children who are inflexible in the way they think. This cause a lot of behavior problems. Unless the thinking changes, any strategies for getting rid of the behavior will likely be fruitless. Today let's look at one that is seen in many of these children.

They often think they are a peer with an adult especially in the decision making process. What does this look like? Let me share one.

As a person providing services inside the home, I often am presenting tasks and giving a child the directions for the task. "Jaime I want you sort the pattern blocks. The green goes in the green pile, the red in the red pile and all the other colors go,in the matching color pile." The child says, " I am not doing that. It's stupid. I'm matching them to the puzzle." I say, "What did I ask you to do? I need you to follow my direction." She child responds, "I don't have to. You are not my mommy and I don't have to do what you say".

In this interchange, I figure out that she thinks she is my peer and doesn't have to follow my directions. I know I should introduce a new way of thinking. I share with her that I am the adult in charge. I need to define who an adult is. She needs to know who is not an adult. The rules and responsibilities of both people are outlined. We discuss how she knows who the adult is in charge is. I have had the mom remind the child before the session begins that I am the adult in charge. I have used a visual cue as well. There was an adult in charge sticker or pin that I would wear when working with her.

This is a crucial issue to address with cognitively inflexible children. It will continue to cause problems behaviorally in all environments until it is tackled.