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Thursday, October 22, 2015

Be Positive? You Don't Understand My Life!

So often, moms and dads talk about the hard things in special needs parenting. They also look for practical ways to plan for success. There is not a lot written about how to handle the victories and successes in the special needs journey. They don't occur constantly but they happen from time to time. For the parents that keep persevering, they usually come.

It is easy in this walk (sometimes it feels like our equilibrium is off kilter -stumbling everywhere) to concentrate on the negative, on how hard our life is. Yes, it is difficult but not impossible. It's important to take a step back and say, how was life 2 years ago? "Oh yeah, my child sleeps through the night and so do I! I don't know how I made it those first 5 years of his life." There are things that happen because there is some help. Potty training, tying shoes, understanding mom will be back and the list goes on. It's important to remember those teachers, associates, buddies at church, respite workers, therapists and caregivers. Life is not easy but they have helped make life easier than before.

Over time, many parents figure out a lot of things that help their children make progress. Life ceases to be chaos, at least most of the time. Home structures, school, caretakers, parenting strategies are all ways that a "new normal" is created. It is not perfect or even easy but it makes life a whole lot better. It's good to stop and take inventory of how far the child and his family has come. I must do this or I always want to look at my life from a perspective of "the glass is half empty." This process helps me remember that the "glass is half full" and it use to be practically empty. This enables me to move from a personal pity party to an attitude of thanksgiving. Now that is a good thing!