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Thursday, November 19, 2015

Fun, Fun, Fun

When a baby comes on the scene, everyone around him wants to make him laugh and see his eyes light up when a rattle is shaken. It's so much fun to see the reactions that come.


What kinds of things are fun for baby, kids and adults? I can remember playing with bubbles, peek a boo and the tickle machine. My husband had a game called the iron claw that he played with our children. He also had a game where our children would hang to his neck and become "daddy's tie."

I did a lot of nursury rhymes with motions. I narrated and made up songs while changing a diaper. I read books and did finger plays with our children. I found all of this to be fun and I know my husband had a lot of fun.

So many things happening during this play time. The main thing is that relationships are built with parents and siblings. Shared attention and gestures are a natural outcome. Children learn language during this time.

Many times with children that have some developmental delays, it takes a little more work to see the relationship and communication skills develop. This child doesn't always respond and make me feel loved. If that's the case, this child needs a parent to keep trying. This is a huge component to her development.

Keeping it fun will pay dividends in the long run. It will be worth all the effort.