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Sunday, November 8, 2015

How Long Do I Wait?

When a child begins a new program there is an adjustment period. How long should this take? When can a parent evaluate whether this new program is working? There are no steadfast answers but here are a few guidelines that parents can use to make that decision. I will offer these as questions to ask with a little extra commentary.

  • How often does she have this intervention? If it is daily, the adjustment period should come within a week or two. By the third week, the child should be comfortable and beginning to receive the therapy or changes in therapy well. If the child receives the intervention at least twice a week, you might want to give it a month. If the intervention is less than two times a week, it may get better but take up to about two months. It may also not be often enough for the child and adult to form the relationship needed to make progress.
  • Is the adult new? Does he like her? If he has worked with this person before then the relationship part is set. If they have struggled in the past, that will probably continue. It may be time to cut your losses with that person. If the person is new, does the child warm up to them or is there a fight every time he sees the adult?
  • Is the session at the "right level" in the following areas: social, emotional, relational, skill level and behavioral expectations?
  • Is the professional collaborative with you, the parent? Is there a good level of communication between the adults? Do you feel that you a valued part of your child's team?

I would love to hear what other criteria parents have found helpful in evaluating new programs.