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Thursday, January 14, 2016

Called to be a MOM!

Today, I want each of you to know, to be a good mom, you don’t have to be another Mother Theresa. I certainly am not, never was and I don’t see that in my future.

We all have a calling to care for our family. That’s a given. After that, there are more great examples of what a mom is like. You can be one of those. My encouragement for you today is

Be yourself

Be the mom your children and the wife your husband needs.

Develop as a person where your passions lie.

Never, ever forget to develop your relationship with the Living God. This will give you strength for the task of wife and mother. It will keep you grounded about what’s most important. The Lord keeps a person centered so she sees things from the perspective that only comes from God.

For me, I took care of my home and the members of my family. I served in many areas with women and children in our local church during the active years of raising a family. My passion became education of children (particularly my children). It expanded to the study of autism after my son’s diagnosis. It continues to grow as I share my story and what I’ve learned in helping families navigate the journey of parenting children with learning differences.

My calling and passions may look very different from another mom. That’s ok. Actually, that’s the way it’s suppose to be!