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Thursday, January 21, 2016

Follow Through

The very first step to develop follow through is to begin the process. Get an appointment with that person everyone has said made such a difference for their child. Now, keep that appointment. It is work to start with a new professional. You may be thinking, what if I don’t like her or my child doesn’t want to go back to see her? Deal with that when it occurs. Don’t create excuses before you’ve even tried. Yes, there’s risk but without it, there’s no gain.


Put it on your schedule. Plan for it. Prepare your child the best you can. Any preparation will be helpful. Take toys, books or other things to the appointment to help with the wait time. It would be best to take some favorites that your child hasn’t played with recently. This will make the appointment toys special.

If homework is given, put it on the schedule. It’s a non-negotiable. Be consistent and firm about doing it. If you allow your child to escape it once, the behavior is likely to continue everytime. Dealing with fears and behavior is just a way of life for children with learning differences. . Consistency will be an asset.