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Monday, February 1, 2016

Advocating step 3

The importance of finding the right professionals, is real! Is there a “click?" I don’t know any other way to explain it. Whether it is a speech pathologist, babysitter or psychologist, you, as a parent, need to feel good about this person spending time with your child. This individual is likely to have a lot of influence on your child and on you. Do you respect him? Do you like her?Does he value your role as the parent? What things should be evaluated?


  • Does the child and the professional have a good connection? Is there compassion, as well as, structure and expertise?
  • Do you connect with the professional? Does he interact with you and answer questions willingly? Does she interact well with your child?
  • Are these services making a difference?
  • Do you agree with the way the work is being done? Are you uncomfortable with the treatment approach?
  • Are you a valued member of your child’s team? Do you feel that the role of parent is taken seriously by professionals?
  • Are you comfortable with the values of the person providing services to your child?

These questions will be a start in your evaluation process of the service providers you choose for your child.