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Thursday, July 14, 2016

Summer - Swimming

Going swimming is part of summer. I know families who went to the pool everyday. But not our family. Two of my children had intense fear of water. I remember going to swimming lessons early so a child could soak her/his feet in the pool to get use to it and quit shaking before the lesson began.

Many who read this post may not relate but if you have a child who isn't a natural in the pool, you know what I'm talking about. There were many days I drove home from swimming lessons with tears pouring down my face. It was as my children were incapable of taking part in summer without swimming skills. Somehow, I would pull myself together and head back to swimming lessons the next day, the next week and the next month. It seemed as if my children took swimming lessons year round. I was determined that they would learn to swim and they did!!

By the time my kids were in 5th or 6th grade they did anything in water their friends, who were "fish" at age 2, did. It was hard in those early years. It was physically and mentally exhausting. But IT WAS WORTH IT!! I think of the times they took the swimming test at camp and passed it. It remember taking them to the beach and playing there all day on vacations. There were times we went to the pool at the hotel where we stayed. They had friends who had pool parties during the summer. There was boating and tubing with friends as they got older.

Some summer activities like swimming were harder for our children to master. Just because it's hard doesn't mean it's impossible. For your family, it may be another activity that takes a lot of work to master. It could be riding a bike. Oh, that was another toughie. That is for another day and another post. Some things are hard but the effort can enable you make lots of memories. Swimming is just one of them.

Have fun on some of the lazy hot days of summer. It sounds like swimming might be a good plan for one of those days. Have fun with your family!