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Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Summer Goals

I have taken a few weeks off from blogging working on other projects. One of those has been building my knowledge on executive functioning. I have had a lot of interest in this subject because of my son's weaknesses in managing his belongings over the years. When he went to away to college last year, he received weekly executive Functioning support. It has made such a difference. 

Over the last few years I have been able to attend some executive skills trainings. I started about three years ago attending Minnesota Autism Society's training by Jill Kuzma. Since that time I have read and listened to anything I could find on this subject. Recently, I was able to attend a seminar led by Sarah Ward. It was truly a game changer for me.

Over the next several weeks, a summer goal is to help students and parents understand how executive functioning affects life more than one would think. Summer is such a great time to work on this area because the schedule is more laid back and no pressing academic demands. It will be fun to see the gains and how they help once the fall schedule and schoolwork begins.

Next week, we'll jump into helping your child remediate some lacking skills in this area.

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