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Monday, August 11, 2014

Your Child Can Learn!!

On Friday this graphic was posted here. Let's consider it more fully.

This is an important message to get across. It can be hard to convince some people but for your child's sake, try, try, try!! I work with students almost daily that have learned a new skill and perform it beautifully. Then something seems to happen....that same student can't show proficiency even minutes later. I notice that many students with certain learning disabilities seem to "have brain on" and "brain off" times, I can't fully explain it but I do know one thing. IT IS NOT LAZINESS!!! Some of these children work harder than most people I've met. It just is hard. The brain isn't working in the most efficient ways. This is especially true on some days. I never know, or do the students, which days will be difficult and which days will be productive.

This is so important for teachers to understand. I think is is vital for general education teachers to grasp. When my son was in school, many teachers said to me, "I've seen him do it before. He can do it. He is just unwilling." Well, that would get me fired up. I would take a deep breath to calm down "my tiger mom emotions" and proceed to explain that it just isn't that simple.

Differentiation can make a huge difference. That is " different way." That different way can really help. If my son could show mastery without handwriting being required(taking an exam orally) he had a lot less days Where he didn't engage in much learning.even with accommodations, there were those days.

As a parent, you will do your child (and yourself) a huge favor if you can convince others that your child can learn. Just not on everyday and in every way!