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Wednesday, September 3, 2014

A Time for Everything: Even Rocks


a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them, Ecclessiastes 3:5a

Once again, Ecclessiastes 3 tells us there is a time to do all things. This time, the author illustrates this by talking about two opposite actions with the same materials. Isn't this the way life is. The tricky part is to know when it's time to do one and when it's time to do the exact opposite. Wisdom is the key.

I haven't worked much with scattering and picking up rocks, but I have a lot of experience with toys. In my life, there was a time to get out the toys and play, play, play with my children. It was a great way to help them develop in every way. They learned to share, to problem solve and interact as we played. It gave me a fun platform to develop our relationship and for me to model many skills. It was a time that I believe was ordained by God and I was doing exactly what I was suppose to do.

Another thing my children needed to learn (and so do I), life is not all fun and games. There is a time to clean up the toys. It is a time where I taught my children that there are responsibilities we all have. When it was time for mom to work, then I needed to children to occupy themselves or follow my directions to help. Once again, I modeled skills to my children and taught them that fun is part of life but so is responsibility.

Sometimes, it's hard to know how much to go with our time in an activity before switching to an opposite activity. This is where wisdom from God helps a parent to know. The book of James gives some direction. "If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you."