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Monday, September 8, 2014

Auditory, Visual and Experiential

Friday I shared this quote and wanted to explore it's importance as we advocate for our child with special needs.

There are many different learning styles and most people have aspects of many of these that make up their personal learning style. That is why preschool and kindergarten classrooms use a multi modal style of teaching. What does that mean? The material is presented verbally, visualually, with other sensory experiences as well as in hands on projects. Those classrooms use every educational style. Why? The teachers don't know what way is the best way to help the information to stick and the student to make connections. When using all the different modes of learning, concepts are bound to develop with exposure to many different approaches.

Then some thing happens in second or third grade. Classrooms don't use a multimodal approach. Education In most schools becomes auditory based with a lot do pencil paper activities. No wonder many non- auditory learners end up with 504 plans, IEP's and a diagnosis of learning disabilities.

My encouragement to parents while advocating for accommodations and academic interventions to add one more item to the list. Advocate very diligently for a multimodal approach for your child in the general education. Environment and in the special education room. Bring information that you know about your child's learning style and information that you have found on learning styles. This may be one of the most important things you can do for your child. Gain the teaching style he/she needs to learn. It doesn't matter how much research based strategies the school is doing if it's auditory and your child isn't an auditory learner.

Don't give up on gaining the appropriate teaching procedures for your child's learning style. It is important!!