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Monday, September 22, 2014

Resist Being Overwhelmed: Just Take the First Step!

Cooking, cleaning, errands, work and the list goes on and on and on! Let's face it: being an adult is a lot of work. Then add the being a mom. Life get's so busy. There are days a mom isn't sure she's up to it. Now add special needs issues of a child. I spell that OVERWHELMED!!! If you are like me, you've been there more times than you can count. It can feel paralyzing. What's the solution?

Take the first step. This is a matter of the will. It is easy to fall into the overwhelmed state and stop trying. Nothing gets done and as a mom I always felt like I had failed. I would get into a negative vicious circle. Nothing positive ocurred. But when I break the tasks down into small manageable units, I can emotionally handle it and see things slowly start to happen especially in the advocating process.

I don't have to have everything figured out to take the first step. There is no need to try to figure the whole plan from start to finish. Life is not lived in a vacumn. It is dynamic . Things are constantly changing. I have found that most plans have to be altered along the way because of unavoidable unexpected things that happen in this journey called life.

Take one step at a time. It may not seem like much but in the course of a month, year, decade and lifetime an enormous difference will be seen!