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Wednesday, September 24, 2014

To Keep or to Pitch

a time to keep and a time to throw away, Ecclesiastes 3:6b

Like many couples, my husband and I have similar interests. We also have some "opposites attract" things in our lives. One of the big opposites is that he is a "saver" and I am one who gets rid of as much as possible. This little verse causes a bit of a problem for me. You see, I like the way I do things. I like to have things that I'm not using out of my house. I see no reason to dust them or store them when I probably will get rid of them eventually. Now seems like as good of time as any to do a purge. My husband likes to think about things and consider whether he might use an item in the future. I just want it out of my house!

Recently, I saw some value in my husband's style, as much as I hate to admit it. His nephew was getting married and had asked him to officiate. My husband has performed many weddings. No big deal, right. It was his nephew so he wanted it to be special. Well, my "saver" husband surprised everyone at the wedding. He had written his nephew a letter about living for Christ when he was 14. He read the letter at the wedding---18 years later. He had saved a copy of the letter he sent. It was such a wonderful thing to share. It meant so much to a lot of people.

So I admit, there is a time to keep, and a time to throw away,