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Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Put a "Stake in the Ground". John 12:1-3

Six days before the Passover, Jesus came to Bethany, where Lazarus lived, whom Jesus had raised from the dead. 2 Here a dinner was given in Jesus’ honor. Martha served, while Lazarus was among those reclining at the table with him. 3 Then Mary took about a pint of pure nard, an expensive perfume; she poured it on Jesus’ feet and wiped his feet with her hair. And the house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume. John 12:1-3

Today, the passage is from the beginning of John 12. This chapter is packed with so many important concepts: Judas and Jesus conversation about the perfume and Jesus ride into Jeruselem at the beginning of Holy Week. These are a vital part of this chapter but let's take time to see what comes before these events. It is important to give context to the situations that occur around these verses. Let's look at the stage surrounding these.

Past: what happened before these verses. Let's take a moment to review.

In chapter 11, Jesus was also in Bethany and interacting with Lazarus, Mary and Martha. Chapter 11 starts out with a very sober note and gets worse before it gets better. Lazarus becomes sick and word is sent to Jesus about the situation. Jesus desires Lazarus to regain his health. He wants God to get all the glory so he responds in a curious way. He stays where he was for a few days. In that time, Lazarus dies. Jesus finally arrives in Bethany. Jesus finds Martha, Mary and others mourning Lazarus death. After a few events occur, Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead and restores him to full health.

Now: how is the scene at Lazarus house impacted by what had happened in chapter 11?

Lazarus was dead. Now he is alive. Mary and Martha loved their brother but they were also financially dependent on him. A loss of a brother is always difficult but for these women it was a loss of everything that created stability. The sorrow that had been felt a few verses before had turned into joy. Jesus had redeemed Lazarus physical life. His family and friends were beyond elated. They were greatful but also knew that Jesus was who He claimed to be. He had shown the glory of God throughout this miraculous healing. Did this affect Mary's act of pouring perfume on Jesus? Was she concerned with the cost of the perfume? Not really! This was an act of worship, an act of gratitude. She was giving her best to Jesus!

Future: What's ahead?

This can be answered in a various ways.

  • Jesus will die within days but rise again. This was part of God's plan as Jesus shares later in the passage. It was meant to anoint his body for the burial that will come soon.

7 "Leave her alone," Jesus replied. "It was intended that she should save this perfume for the day of my burial.

  • A lasting memory was made. Not only the event but the fragrance of the event. I have read studies that show the most vivid memories are marked by an odor or smell. The people in this room would remember this anytime perfume was smelled. There are certain smells that take me back to an event in my childhood as if it happened yesterday.
  • Just as Mary was demonstrative toward Jesus and gave him something valuable to show her devotion, that should be my response. What is something that is valuable to me that can be given to Jesus? It's a question for each of us to ask as a big step. Just as Mary did this after Jesus had blessed her family so much, is there a distinct action that I need to take? Is there something that you need to do as a "stake in the Ground" in devotion to Christ.
  • Is there a daily stake in the ground where you give your day and all it's activities to he Lord and commit all your ways to Him.

Just as the anointing of Jesus didn't happen as an isolated event, neither to the things in any person or family's life!