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Monday, February 23, 2015

Putting the Occupational Pieces Together

The logo above is on my business card. I love assisting people in making connections that will help their child. Life is so much about making the right connections. If you have a child with issues In the areas listed below, they won't be solved at once. I would encourage you to obtain an occupational therapy evaluation to know exactly what your child's needs are. This will help you tackle the problem areas in the best order. Many of the issues are inter related and will be best solved if they are tackled in a specific order. This will be where an OT (occupational therapist) can so helpful. Therapy may be necessary or more optional but an OT evaluation will give clarity to next steps.

  • Fine Motor Skills
  • Large Motor Skills
  • Core Strength
  • Sensory Integration
  • Crossing the Midline

You may want to check out some of my pinterest boards. I have boards on cutting/scissors, prewriting, fine motor, OT, writing, large motor, crossing the midline, sensory, sensory spaces, sensory diet and sensory activities.