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Monday, March 9, 2015

Conferences, Spring Break and Next Steps

This time of year, brings back memories of eight years ago. Spring conferences had just occurred. We had met with a therapist regarding testing for autism. Spring break was a bitter sweet time. I was so happy not to have to deal with school for a week. That was the sweet. The bitter was the fact that school wasn't going to get better anytime soon. It was going to take a lot of work. I wanted spring break to last for a very long time. Let's start at the beginning of a process that lasted about 2 years with great intensity. In many ways it's still in progress but the early years gave me a full time job as a therapy mom. Later on I reduced the hours to parttime mom as therapist! Before we get to the next steps let me share our first step.

Time to move forward. Today I will share our family’s story. I had wanted to have my son tested for ADHD. My husband didn’t have any interest. We continued as we had been doing helping our son the best we knew how. We were well into his second grade year. It wasn’t long until things unraveled.

I don’t remember the chronology of all the events that led to our son’s diagnosis on the autism spectrum. I do remember a conversation with our school counselor. She told me she thought we should have our son evaluated. I shared that we wanted a Christian psychologist. She told me that she didn’t know anyone locally that could do the testing that was a Christian. To my surprise, my husband said, “Let’s go ahead and go to a counselor that she suggests.

At that point, I knew we were going to find some answers. Once we went to the counselor who did the testing, we were on our way. We were able to take her advice and counsel and begin the process of interventions. The rest is history.