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Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Homework Routine


If you have children that are self sufficient with completing homework, consider yourself blessed. If not, this post may be for you.

A homework routine is essential for some children. It is doubly important if you have a child who "fights" with you about doing homework. If there isn't a structure the fight will continue for years. That's no fun for anyone! This is true for those who homeschool too.

  1. If your child is hungry or needs some exercise before doing homework, by all means do that first.
  2. Set a place where homework is completed. This is part of the homework routine. This doesn't have to be so rigid that it's never done elsewhere. I would suggest that it is done there if completed at home
  3. It needs to be done consistently at the same time each day. If a snack and jumping on the trampoline are done before homework, set a timer for those. At our house homework began at 4. That gave my son a half our to reset during snack and exercise. He was able to move through his homework before dinner. It also taught him that life is better if work gets done quickly. He needed to learn (it's a long process) that procrastination doesn't help.
  4. It is important to have supplies for homework available to the child wherever the homework station is. It saves time. Otherwise, he has to go find it which takes the child off task. Once he is distracted it takes effort to help him re engage in the work.
  5. A parent needs to be available to assist the child with explaining homework and keeping him on task. When he becomes frustrated, a parent helps the child to calm down and encourages him to keep working. Sometimes the social emotional issues in completing homework is a much bigger issue than academic help. It takes a parent's attention to help a child build confidence and emotional regulation during frustrating work.
  6. Celebrate a little when the child completes his work. "See that was 't so bad. It only took 20 minutes. I am proud of you for getting done so quickly. You did a great job! You have an hour to play before dinner.

Join me Thursday, looking at the sensory issues involved in homework.