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Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Many Hands Make Light Work

Many of our mothers and grandmothers quoted this phrase coined by the English writer of the 1500's, John Heywood. Many hands make light work. The Bible says it this way and takes it to another level.

The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many, they form one body. So it is with Christ. I Corinthians 12:12.

We are more than a bunch of volunteers using our hands to accomplish a task. Each person who has received Christ's salvation has been adopted into a family which makes up the Church that is known as the Body of Christ. Each individual in the body of Christ has been given at least one spiritual gift by the third person of the Trinity, The Holy Spirit. The reason for this gift is ultimately to glorify God by using the gift to serve others.

I have seen this in so many ways but recently it has been made clear. I know a family who have a child with a disability along with typically developing siblings. The father of this family had an accident that has caused them to relocate for a few months to receive the therapy he needs. Their situation is very difficult and now they are in a new city. There are so many things to navigate: therapy, an additional injury, unfamiliar surroundings. It would sap the life out of most all of us. It is difficult and life altering. It is bearable because of the Body of Christ.

A church, located near the family's residence for the next few months, stepped in as the Body of Christ. Did they have to do this? No one would blame them if they felt this was too big of a situation to take on. The people of this church didn't know the family. But they know Christ and it makes all the difference in the world. There has been help from the pastoral staff and individual members of the congregation. God put this family in the path of this congregation and they responded and continue to do so day after day.

Many hands make light work especially when they serve with the individual gifts God has given. When various gifts are freely offered and used to serve and glorify God, the Body of Christ operates the way it is intended. It's a beautiful thing to see, especially for me as a pastor's wife. I love the church and am so thankful to see a local church helping a family thrive in the midst of the hardest of circumstances. To God be the Glory!