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Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Blessing: A Big Deal!

Now may our Lord Jesus Christ Himself and God our Father, who has loved us and given us eternal comfort and good hope by grace, comfort and strengthen your hearts in every good work and word.

I Thessalonians 2:16-17

Blessings are not something our culture does often but it was a huge part of culture of bible times. I first learned about blessings in the book of Genesis. The most famous story of blessing centers around Isaac and his son Jacob. Isaac was old and had poor eyesight. He was ready to give the family blessing to his son Esau, the firstborn. This was customary for the oldest boy to receive the blessing from his father. Many familial rights came to this son. This did not occur with Esau. Isaac was tricked by Jacob and the family blessing was extended to him though his father thought he was Esau.

This story helps me understand the importance of the blessing in the culture of scripture. The story of Jacob stealing his brother's blessing gets very intense. It isn't something that is taken likely. It took years to deal with the fallout that took place over this incident. Blessings continued to be important for both the one who gives and the one who receives it.

Today, Paul gives a blessing to the Thessalonians. This is a big deal. Paul was this church's mentor. They loved him and he felt a fatherly love toward this church. This blessing would of meant a lot to the readers of this letter. Paul asks that God, the Father, and Jesus, the Son of God, bring comfort and strength to their hearts. Why? This is so they will have all the resources they need for what God calls them to do. This strengthening will enable them to speak the words and do the work that is God's will.

Within, this blessing, Paul reminds these believers of what God has already done for them. God has loved them by sending his son to secure their salvation. He has given the believers a comfort this lasts for eternity. He has given them hope for eternity and the Return of Christ which has come and continues by the grace that God has given them when He rescued them from death and brought them into eternal life.

Blessing like this should not be taken lightly. Paul's blessing was special and reserved for this group at this time in history, it is important to recognize the power of words and there is a time to use them in a special way that is reserved for the perfect time!