Let's take some advocating inventory.
1. No more school meetings until second semester.
2. Rewind (evaluate) with the advocate who attended a recent school meeting with me.
3. There is a plan for next steps to pursue next semester.
(If #2 or #3 have yet to be done, here is a suggestion: put them on an immediate to-do list. It is easy to forget many things by the time the next meeting rolls around. Write up the information. You will be glad you did when you as for a meeting and it isn't scheduled until February!
It would nice to take a vacation from advocating but December is a time that advocating is essential for some children. If your child dislikes change and is more anxious with novel activities, advocating is important to help the child manage the Christmas season. There are school and church programs to handle (or in some cases endure). There are the practices for these programs which are often confusing, at best, and chaotic at worst. There are special events including school parties and changes in routine during December. It may be helpful to contact those who work with your child for a December schedule. It can help you prepare your child for these events. It may give you an opportunity to talk to teachers about ways they could lessen the anxiety of your child. Advocating in December is a way to keep your child on track. Otherwise, the outcome may not be as positive. Keep up the good work for your child! It may still be a little rough but it will probably help a great deal!