Psalms 21:6-7
Surely you have granted him unending blessings and made him glad with the joy of your presence.For the king trusts in the Lord;through the unfailing love of the Most High he will not be shaken.
As 2015 comes to a close, I look back to see what has transpired. Like any year, there are positives, negatives and neutral things. Even in the hard things, I see God's hand. Life is not easy sometimes, but God makes his ways known.
As a parent of a special needs child, it is easy to look at things with a negative viewpoint. Life hasn't turned out the way I planned. But I want to choose a higher way. I want to acknowledge what God has done. He has met our family and it was evident at Christmas this year. The bond our family has is very special. One of our daughters and her husband are reaching out to international student athletes. These students are becoming apart of our extended family. We are blessed, God has opened our hearts to love them. It is remarkable how God is moving through this.
My husband and I reached our 25th year serving the congregation where he is the pastor. So many ways that God has worked and knit our hearts with people over the last 25 years.
I am blessed to have the children I have and the son-in laws I do. I am blessed through the journey of autism. God has sent so many wonderful people to help us. He has opened up doors to serve families that are dealing with similar issues. My life has been changed in such a dramatic way because of autism. I have to praise God because I have seen him work, sustain and bless us in the midst of the struggle.
How about you? Can you see the blessings and love of God even through the struggles of life? Today's verse tells us that there is blessing, joy and unfailing love that God gives as we trust and walk with the Him!