Here is a conversation that a mother may have in her head. “Alright, here I go! It’s time to get to the bottom of my child’s difficulties.” Well, hold on just a minute. It is great that she is ready to dig into the world of learning differences. But what’s the plan. Oh no, she knew she was forgetting something! Formulas do not often work but a plan does. Here is a first step.
From her observations, she knows that her child needs ___________.
This could be additional testing by a educational psychologist to get a better handle on all the issues.
This could be securing help navigating school. It might mean finding an experienced parent in the special educational system or a professional advocate. A local free advocacy group funded through special education law may be of help.
It could be a tutor that is familiar with special education.
Another need: maybe it’s finding a mentor mom either volunteer or paid provider.
Or it could be hiring someone to assist in navigating the first year of homeschooling.
There are many other things that could be on this list. Step 1 is to decide what the most pressing need is. This is going to help you articulate your priorities to professionals and school personnel as you move forward.