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Monday, March 7, 2016

Behavior Triggers: Noise

Anyone who has met a child with learning differences has noticed how noise effects behavior. Often, a child can not handle loud noises without upset. It may even be a medium noise but to him, it is really loud. There are a lot of other noise/auditory stimulation that can cause an upsetting reaction. Let's look at a few.


1. A child who craves noise, may want the tv louder than anyone else and meltsdown if can't have it. This is really hard in a tightly enclosed space. Listening to music in the car can make this very intense.

2. Certain noises may be like "fingernails on the chalkboard." My son has always had this experience with crying and whining of babies and young children. It may get better over time but this type of auditory stimulation may take much more emotional maturity to regulate.

3. He may like to sing, hum or talk constantly. This may drive others a little wacky. If this child is not allowed to make this noise, behaviors may ensue.

4. Unanticipated noises may cause a startle relex which may result in some behaviors.

If there is sensory overload of overwhelming circumstances, any noise may send a child into meltdown.

Noise effects behavior in lots of different ways. It is helpful to have an understanding of these.