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Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Forgotten Stuff

Today was one of those days where the circumstances of life overwhelmed me. I don't have a lot of perfectionism in my being normally. For some reason, I felt stupid when I couldn't roll with the circumstances of the day that were keeping me from accomplishing the things I wanted to do. If I only had started earlier. If I had checked and double checked before now. Wow, I can really get down on myself over the little things of life.

I feel even guiltier because this week's sermon was about keeping the main things central. I know that the Bible tells me, "in this world there are going to be troubles." But I don't seem to get it. I always feel like things need to go according to plan, MY PLAN. When they don't, discouragement can overtake me. I know I am concentrating on the trees instead of the forest. I look at the individual circumstances of life and make them into the big picture of my life. I have it turned around. But how do I get it right? Well, here is something I need to understand a whole lot better


As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Ephesians 4:1-2

The apostle Paul encourages each of us to live a life worthy of the calling the the Lord has given. Somehow, I doubt if getting caught up in the circumstances of life fits this. Ok, I need to live on the high road of seeing things beyond the frustrations of "the dailies". The passage gives some important steps that must be taken. Be COMPLETELY humble and gentle. Not there yet! Be patient. I need to be patient with the irritations of life. I need to be be patient with myself for not being perfect. I need to be patient with others when they aren't patient, humble or gentle. When I am patient with others if they aren't perfect, then the last guideline of bearing with one another in love is seen.

So that's what living a life centering on the big picture and calling is about. I am definitely not there. It looks like there is some work still to be done. I am so thankful that God is involved in this process of transformation. He can do more than we could ever think or imagine!