What are some skills that kids need before leaving home? How does a parent teach these? Is there a way to simplify them? I have thought about this in the last few years. I have tried lots of things with my son. Some have worked and many have not. Things I thought ere important to teach, I have disregarded as unnecessary.
Two things a person must have is food to eat and clean clothes to wear. Kitchen and laundry skills must be learned before a child leaves home. Even if a child diagnosed with special needs lives in a supported environment after high school, these activities must be done in daily life. The more she knows about these areas of daily living skills, the greater likelihood of independence. He also needs to know how to purchase items, manage money/banking plus pay bills. How can a parent teach everything a child needs to know in a complete but simple way. How can a child stay organized, remember to complete all the steps in a skill and be totally independent?
Over the next few weeks, let's look at all of these. Next week we'll begin with kitchen skills. Let me know if you have other daily skills that could be included in this series.