At my house, it's a couple weeks from spring break which means it's time to schedule a meeting at school. But why? I haven't "digested" what I heard at the parent teacher conference. Well, if a meeting gets scheduled right after spring break, it will give you time to think about what you heard at conference. If you want a conference in the next few weeks, it's time to email the teacher, principal and/or counselor to get it scheduled.
There are many reasons for a meeting.
1. You know that changes need to occur so the "team" needs to be brought together to discuss next steps.
2. You may want to request an IEP meeting. If may be due or it may of already occurred this year. That doesn't matter. A parent may request an IEP meeting at anytime. It must happen at least once a year but may happen more often than that.
3. The yearly IEP meeting may be coming up this spring but you would like to have an IEP "planning meeting" ahead of time to voice concerns and what you, as the parents, are looking for when the IEP draft in written.
4. Communication between parents and school is always a good thing. It may aid you in communicating what you would like to see for next fall. It is a time that concerns and thoughts about teacher selection and next year's can be discussed.
5. If there is any kind of a transition such as moving to a new building next year, it is important to discuss what supports will be put in place to ease the student into the changes ahead. Even, if there is a formal transition meeting, a preliminary meeting where preparations are discussed is very important. Will there be a visit to the new school before he is an actual student? Who will the child's "go to" staff member be at the new school? How will he meet this advocate and build a relationship? If the child needs a break, what is the procedure and how will this be communicated?
You might have a totally different reason for calling a school meeting this spring. No matter the reason, go ahead and request it. It will only help you as a parent and give you a chance to advocate for your child and that's a good thing.
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