Do you ever feel like this?
1. I left a school meeting and I have no idea what was decided? I didn't understand much the special education vocabulary.
2. Is there an unsettling feeling that my child is not getting what is needed in her/his school program?
3. I have lots of papers related to my child's IEP but I still don't really understand what the teachers are doing to help her on a daily basis.
4. I love my child but I feel like I'm not really effective advocating. What should I do?
It might be time to find a parent advocate. Over the next few weeks, the blog posts will explore the following questions
📒 What is a parent advocate?
📘 How do I find one?
📕 What characteristics should I look for in a parent advocate?
📙 What role do I play and what role does the parent advocate play?
📗 How does a parent really advance my child's education?
Beyond these questions, we will look at cost, right fit and ability to understand parents, children and school personnel.
Join me for this side of advocating.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad