What is a Parent Advocate? You might find various definitions but I would say a Parent Advocate is someone who comes along side of a child's parent to help advocate for the child. I serve in this role for many parents. Here are some of the reasons people hire me for this role.
I have been a parent of a child with a disability and have advocated for years on his behalf. (I'm experienced)
I understand special education law (I served on a panel at the Department of Education in our state for 6 years and learned a tremendous amount of things about special education law. (I'm trained)
I have experience with the educational agencies and schools in my area. I know the personalities and "bents" of various personnel in the educational community (experience and knowledge of who I will need to interact)
I know other resources in the community that may have helpful resources or knowledge. (Knowledge, networks and relationships)
I can work with the child to determine needs, learning style and strengths and deficits. (My skill set is greater than Advocacy I am trained and experienced in various strategies and therapeutic remedial programming)
Finally, as a mom of a child on the autism spectrum, I know what it feels to be the parent. I can relate and help parents through the feelings, stresses and up's and downs of parenting a child with learning differences (lots of experience as a parent and as a parenting mentor/coach).
Join me next week as I explore another issue of the parent advocate.