Preparing for and IEP Meeting
I am going to an IEP Meeting this morning. I’m the advocate so my role is different than if I was a parent. I’ve prepared the documents that the parents and I will use to share their desires with the rest of the IEP team. I’ve met with the family and we have the plan ready. Now what? It’s time to go to the meeting and share and listen and share and listen. Sit and sit a little more. Respond to some ideas. Let some things go. Yes, you can relate if you’ve ever been to an IEP meeting.
It is stressful for lots of the members of the team. The questions come. “Will I share so they understand?” “Will I be able to respond in an appropriate way if I disagree with others opinions? “ “ What do I do if _______ happens?” Just thinking about it makes a person’s stress level rise.
So what can I do to prepare to handle the meeting and all the people in the meeting? I call it heart preparation. When I go into a meeting, I pray a number of things.
- That I will not have a negative attitude toward anyone in the meeting. I will not expect them to___________(fill in the blank).
- That God will keep me calm so I can think and speak clearly so I can be the best advocate for this child and his school experience.
- That I will listen carefully and take good notes of what is being said so I can respond and advise the family in the best possible way.
- That I will ask good questions in a non-accusing way. Be willing to follow up with more questions or rephrase what has been said and ask if you are understanding it correctly.
- That I will reflect Jesus though I am in a role that causes intense conversation.
- That I will treat others with respect whether I am treated the same way or not.
Every part of preparation is important but the whole meeting can be very counter productive if my heart isn’t where it needs to be.