What should we talk about at the school conference? Well, that’s up to you and what your concerns are? Here is a possible template?
Go prepared. Have a list of things you want to know. Let teacher know when you arrive that you have a few things to ask after she’s shared the material she’s prepared. Allow her to share first, if possible. Some of the things she will share will answer your questions which will same everyone’s time. When it’s your turn, here are some areas to inquire.
- Beginning of the day (how does it look)
- End of the day
- Organizational skills
- Attention skills
- General behavior
- Social interactions with adults and peers
- Unstructured times of the day (lunch, recess, specials, lining up)
- Following directions
- Academics
- Group skills
There may be other things that you think of but these should get you thinking about your list of questions for the teacher.