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Saturday, May 10, 2014

Summer Countdown

  Everything must be done for summer before school gets out, right?  What is in your everything category?  Is it realistic?  If it's not, you may need to adjust your to-do list.  Yes, being prepared for summer is great. Organization is fantastic.  It is great to have activities registered and on the calendar.  It is fantastic to have a stockpile of Popsicles and juice boxes.  It is also wonderful to have the new summer clothes and swimsuits bought. I always liked to start the summer with a clean house.  

Did I get to mark those things off the sticky note in my kitchen?  Sometimes but certainly not every year.  Mom, you live a real life and you can't do everything but do what you can.  Don't belittle yourself because you can' t do everything.  Life is about people.  Tasks are important as a means to seve the people around you better. They aren't meant to be the main thing.  they done so you can focus on the main thing:  your family!