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Thursday, July 31, 2014

Daily Living Skills


Every parent and special education teacher works with children on daily living skills. These are important skills for children and youth to learn especially in developing independence. What about mom and dad's daily living skills? I know as a mom, there are a lot of skills I've needed to develop for my daily life with my family. There are so many things to do to care for my family and life can get complicated. I have found that I need to simplify the way I pursue these everyday tasks.

Here are a few things that have simplified my days.

  1. Shop with a list. It may help to keep a running list of things that need replaced.
  2. Pay bills online or through auto deduction each month by scheduling payments for an entire year.
  3. Buy as much as possible online. I have ma more and more of my purchases on websites like Amazon. It saves so much time and it comes right to my door.
  4. Buy groceries at one store. If you like to get supplies at a discount store like target, a box store like Costco, or Aldi, go and stock up once a month.
  5. Figure out a good car pool system.
These are just a few things that has simplified my daily life and has saved me a lot of time while getting important tasks done!