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Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Occupational Therapy....But I Don't Even Know What it Is!


I used to think occupational therapy was for a work injury thus it was therapy because of a person's occupation. Oh, I had so much to learn after my son's Autism diagnosis. Occupational Therapy (OT) was a world that I needed to dive into head first. I've learned a few things through the years. In the next few weeks I would like to "crack open the door" of OT. Here are a few areas that will be colored.

  • Fine Motor Skills
  • Large Motor Skills
  • Sensory Integration
  • Crossing the Midline

Now, if you have never heard of some of these, no problem. If you know a little, hopefully you can expand your knowledge. If you are well acquainted with these topics, don't worry because I will be sharing resources so you can dig a little deeper into each subject.

Please join me on Tuesday to explore the world of OT. I'm looking forward to it!