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Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Don't Give Up!

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9

At certain times, weariness is part of life. It may be because of health issues, new babies in the house or concerns that keep a person up all night. Lack of sleep can cause weariness. Problems, concerns and anxiety cause weariness. There have been times where I didn't want to get out of bed because what that day had in store. If I have felt this way I bet there are others who have too!

Weariness is a given in real life but as I look at this verse I am a bit perplexed. Do not become weary in doing good. Ok, I know I am weary sometimes but I am told not to be when it comes to doing good. Ok, how do I handle these conflicting realities?

Here's the conflict. I know that exhaustion is part of living in the real world. If I don't throw in the towel on serving and showing compassion to those God puts in my life, then there is a reward. It's always nice to gain an incentive. If I persevere when I'd rather quit, then I will reap a harvest. This is similar to a farmer who plants, waters, and weeds the crop for a long time before it is ready to be harvested. If the farmer keeps doing these things, the crops will do well and grow into a plentiful harvest. If he lets down and doesn't follow through until harvest time, the crops will not mature as they should. They may even die.

It is much the same way for each person. God entrusts each person with people and tasks. If he perseveres to the end, there will be a reward. It may look different for each person but each will be rewarded appropriately by God.

Keep your eyes on the Lord and the reward He has for you. God knows that weary people can use some motivation and He gives it to us!