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Monday, September 21, 2015

New is Always Non-preferred.

I always have been skeptical when I see an absolute type phrase like today's post title. Few things are always .......except when it comes to cognitively inflexible people especially children. Why is this? Let me give you a little background. Cognitive inflexibility is seen in those who has some difficulties with social cues, verbal processing and listening skills. These struggles have little to do with intelligence. Many people who fall into this category may be some of the smartest people you will ever meet. The cognitive inflexibility is a way to stop the social world that they don't understand and the communication they aren't understanding. This causes them "to dig in their heels" and fight various changes they are asked to accept or initiate.

How do you handle this as a parent or caretaker? There are several ways you can try.

  • Anticipate anxiety and plan for these changes
  • Prepare materials to communicate what is coming next.
  • Test the waters, mentioning a little overview long before he needs to do it
  • Use behavioral strategies before, during and after the new event.
  • Plan reinforcement for the child if he does this new thing without upset
Next Tuesday, the post will how to's to help your child manage new things. See you then!