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Monday, October 26, 2015

Life After the Conference

Conferences are a part of school life. There is one of three responses a parent has from these 15 minutes with a child's teacher.

  1. Life is good. Things are going well at school so I can just relax and keep encouraging my child and the teacher.
  2. Life is a mixed bag. Some things are going fine but others need a little work. Some problem solving is needed. Communication between parent and teacher needs to be "beefed up" so mid course corrections can be made before the end of the semester.
  3. Life is horrible. This year is off to a really bad start. The questions keep coming to mind but the biggest question is, "How did this happen?" Honestly, that may be a good thing to ponder for future school years. Right now, the problem is: how is this going get fixed or at least turned in the right direction? It is amazing how a parent's day can be ruined by spending 15 minutes with a teacher!

Over the next few weeks, let's look at these responses. With learning differences, life feels horrible after many school conferences. Let's learn how to go from horrible to good. It's not easy. It it is possible. I would love to hear from others about experiences during fall conferences,