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Wednesday, November 4, 2015

What is a Mentor, Anyway?

I Thessalonians 1:7

And so you became a model to all the believers in Macedonia and Achaia


This verse stood out to me as I was selecting a verse from 1Thessalonians for today's devotion. It reminded me of what I heard during the sermon this week from Phillipians. It is amazing how steadfast the apostle Paul was. He tells the Phillipian church to follow others who are examples of walking with Christ just like they followed him when he was with them. He reiterates the fact that those they follow need to be firm examples just like he was. Paul wasn't "blowing smoke" or acting prideful. He was being honest and encouraging this church to have good mentors.

As I noticed this verse, it took what I had heard at church to the next level. I need to find good mentors in the character qualities I desire to develop. I want to hang around some patient people if I need to develop patience. As I learn and grow from these people, that's not the end of the chain. I need to take that growth and become a model to all the believers that God places in my path. That is what I Thessalonians 1:7 is talking about.

This week, think about who you can hang around that is a good example in an area you need help. Also, think how you can be a positive influence and a good example to someone else. Mentoring is not about a structured program (though that can be beneficial) but it it's about growing and using that growth to help another person.